Monday, October 20, 2008

Beginner's Guide to Raising Ducks

Ducks are the second most popular type of poultry to raise, coming in just under the hobby of raising chickens in your backyard. Raising ducks in your backyard can be very rewarding. About 22,000,000 ducks raised in the United States each year. Most of those raising ducks choose to utilize duck housing, closed under the conditions of production of specialized duck farms in several important areas of commercial duck production. However, many duck farms also made a number of ducks for family use or raising ducks for local sale. The purpose of this publication is for the latter group. Shougang made primarily for meat. Although most of the varieties used by the relative level of poverty, ducks should try to save the eggs for food production or use of incubators. Commercial duck industry is the breeding ground for the establishment in Beijing. Pekins weight to reach the market early next year and a good egg producers, but they are poor, rarely raised a pot of chicken. In Rouen is a popular breeding farm groups. It is the slow growth is higher than Beijing, but it reached the equivalent weight of the 5-6 month period of feeding and feeding of the sheep farm in accordance with the conditions. Its economy is slowing down and feather color to make it undesirable for commercial production. Muscovy duck in a variety of other unrelated domestic ducks and are also used to some extent, the farm group. The poultry practice of feeding ducks: They are good foragers and good person. Muscovy duck is far greater than men aged women in the market. Meat production usually is the most important choice of varieties, breeding and egg production, the trend of young, white feathers, have an attractive dressed carcass should also be considered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

22,000,000 - thats alot of ducks!!!!!

Thanks for the information!