Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chicken Q&A: Roosters Crowing

Question: Are roosters only supposed to crow at sunrise? I live in a rural area and hear them at night all the time!

Answer: In days long past, the only light source was the sun. Originally, the roosters did crow at sunrise (and then throughout the day) since the sun's rays stimulated them to "let loose their vocal chords"... or what we call "crow". However, now that we have lights streaming through our windows into the chicken coops, street lamps glaring down into our yards, and an array of other light rays bothering the poor, confused roosters, they end up crowing day in, day out and all night long!
Also, did you know that when a rooster crows it's like a challenge to all the other roosters within hearing distance? That is why if there are several roosters in your neighborhood, once one rooster crows it sets off a chain reaction.


Hutch said...

Wow, I've always wondered about this. I figured that the whole rooster crowing at dawn was just a myth told by parents to give a romanticized depiction of farm life to children. Apparently not!!

I do wonder though, if roosters crow when they see the lights from the house, do they crow again when the sun comes up? There aren't any poultry farms around where I live so I can't test this. Can you shed any light on this? (maybe so I can crow, har har)

Unknown said...

For the poultry professionals who want to stay in touch with the current poultry status