Thursday, February 09, 2006

Killing baby chicks


    While on a trip to the local garbage dump to gather leaf mulch (conveniently prepackaged in plastic bags), my friend Tom and I discovered a yellow heap of dead chicks lying near an air-befouling incinerator.

    In answer to my shocked questions, Tom explained to me that the local hatchery often dumped its "worthless" rooster chicks there ... birds that—since they couldn't produce eggs—"nobody wanted".

    Well, that pile of dead birds set my brain to working, so later that afternoon Tom and I drove to the hatchery and told the dealer that we'd be glad to take a batch of those doomed roosters off his hands. The gentleman was most agreeable, and we left with instructions to pick up our gratis fowl on the following Friday. Our great chicken-raising adventure had begun!

[ Click here to finish the article ]

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