Saturday, February 11, 2006

Happy Chicken Saturday!

Happy Saturday from your favorite chicken blog! We are the *finest* poultry blog ever, or at least our rooster thinks so. He keeps crowing and won't stop! Probably because he heard the poultry jokes below:

    Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
    A: Because chickens hadn't evolved yet

    Q: Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
    A: Because it was stuck to the chicken!

    Q: Why did the horse cross the road?
    A: Because the chicken needed a day off

*groooan* Ok ok, enough "road" jokes. Here are a few others, and if they don't make you smile then you woke up on the wrong side of the coop today!

    Q: Why did the chicken end up in the soup?
    A: Because it ran out of cluck!

    Q: What happened when the chicken ate cement?
    A: She laid a sidewalk!

    Q: What did the chicken do when he saw a bucket of fried chicken?
    A: She kicked the bucket!

    Q: What do you call a crazy chicken?
    A: A cuckoo cluck!

    Q: What happened to the chicken whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way?
    A: She was tickled to death!

Ooooh boy. We hope that made you laugh. It sure dragged a chuckle out of us, albeit with a few groans and rolling eyes. :)

Remember, NovaPoultry at is your best friend in the poultry world! We are constantly posting stories, interesting articles, tips on raising chickens, and links to other relevant sites. We also take user contributions! If you want us to include something in our blog, let us know in a comment! We'd love your suggestions.

So spread the word, tell a friend, and start a revolution! A poultry revolution, that is. Please don't use violence, and don't scare the baby chicks!

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