Monday, February 13, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions about Raising Chickens

As a beginner, and even as an expert, there are some questions that frequently pop up in the course of a day.

    Q. "What does 'broody' mean?"

    Q. "My chicks are growing fast. How can I tell which ones are hens and which are roosters?"

    Q. "If my Rhode Island Red hen won't brood, what will make her set? Do they need a special laying feed to make them go broody?"

    Q. "How often will a grown hen lay eggs? How many a day? What's the physiological reason that a chicken lays an egg?"

    Q. "We'll probably get a couple of chickens now, and then maybe another later. Is that okay?"

    Etc etc etc....

Well, we've found the perfect article for you! You can read those questions and more, as well as the answers (of course!), over at It's another great poultry blog and we know you'll love it!!

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